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How fast would it take to get genital herpes?

June 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Discussion

I was extremely drunk one night and had sex with someone. I had a cold sore that was pretty much gone and gave her oral. Then I had sex without a condom. 1, would she get genital herpes. 2, would I get genital herpes from having unprotected sex that quick after giving her oral…



3 Responses to “How fast would it take to get genital herpes?”
  1. Minx says:

    Call her up right now and tell her what’s going on before she possibly spreads it to others. Yes, you are both at a very high risk. Tell her so it doesn’t go any farther and go see your doctor asap

  2. Medic Loretta says:

    everything is possible but better go to get tested!

  3. Paula Young, MD says:

    To both 1 and 2: It is possible, there’s no definite answer until a 2 to 4 week period has passed. Many people have had sex during a herpes outbreak, and not passed it on. Unfortunately, it’s “luck of the draw” during the initial sexual encounter.

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