Announcement: Genital Herpes Symptoms and Genital Herpes Treatment

Product Description. For the most honest, objective opinion, HealthScouter provides a patient’s view of the most common medical problems. Including hundreds of quotes, questions, and answers from patients themselves, this guide provides comprehensive information about a single condition for from perspective that matters: the patient’s perspective. Understand how current patients approach their medical challenges, and […]
Announcement: Natural Treatments for Genital Herpes, Cold Sores and Shingles

Product Description,This book discusses the major Natural and Alternative treatments for the Herpes Family viruses that have been documented in the Scientific and Medical Literature. It discusses several nutritional supplements and inexpensive over-the-counter medications that boost the immune system. It also discusses several foods, supplements and herbs that have anti-viral properties. The emphasis is on […]
Announcement: Genital and Neonatal Herpes

Product Description,Genital herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection has increased considerably in the past two decades, and its most dreaded complication, neonatal herpes, remains as an uncommon though deadly threat to the neonate. Genital and Neonatal Herpes provides a thoroughly comprehensive and timely assessment of these two significant public health problems. Written by internationally recognized physicians […]
Sexually Transmitted Diseases-A Practical Guide
Product DescriptionSexually Transmitted Diseases—Symptoms, diagnosis,Treatment, Prevention-2nd Edn- 290pp. Now available as an inexpensive ebook– temporary sale during final editing for Kindle 2009 version. More than 70 illustrations and photos. . This book gives information on the most common STDs extant in the United States: Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, Chancroid, Human Papillomavirus, Human Papillomavirus, Lymphogranuloma Venereum, Pelvic Inflammatory […]
Natural Herbal Cures and Remedies
Product Description”Discover the Natural Herbal Cures and Remedies Used to Treat Illness and Disease for Hundreds of Years. . . STOP Using Unnecessary Drugs and Pills, and Learn the Natural Cures Doctors Never Informed You About!”* Learn the natural health concepts: Hydrotherapy, Herbalism, Eclectic Medicine and Natural Hygiene* Learn which natural herbs have a combined […]
New Plant Extract Fights Viral Infections
Product DescriptionNew research from testing done at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease branch of the National Institute of Health shows that an extract of this plant has some very powerful viral fighting properties. It has been tested on a whole array of viral infections including H1N1 (swine flu), influenza, herpes, warts, and […]
Herpes and Papilloma Viruses: Their Role in Carcinogenesis of Lower Genital Tract
CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Product DescriptionGet problem-oriented and disease-specific guidance in treating STDs-in one quick-access source Featuring the trusted, practical format of the CURRENT series, this authoritative, quick-access guide delivers a top-to-bottom overview of STDs commonly encountered in clinical practice. The book begins with an insightful introduction to the field that emphasizes the patient-doctor relationship, and then explores clinical […]
21st Century Complete Medical Guide to Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Product DescriptionThis up-to-date electronic book on two CD-ROMs provides the best collection available anywhere of official Federal government information and documents on the vast subject of sexually transmitted diseases. This CD-ROM uses next-generation search technology that allows complete indexing and makes all files on the disc fully searchable. For patients, practical information is provided in […]
Damaged Goods?: Women Living With Incurable Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Product DescriptionHow do women living with genital herpes and/or HPV (human papillomavirus) infections see themselves as sexual beings, and what choices do they make about sexual health issues? Adina Nack, a medical sociologist who specializes in sexual health and social psychology, conducted in-depth interviews with 43 women about their identities and sexuality with regard to […]